Monthly Bookkeeping for a Set Price.
No Surprise Bills or Hidden Fees.

Unmatched Accuracy & Proficiency

Get accurate books delivered monthly, on the dot. Our expert team is assisted by powerful bookkeeping software that automatically eliminates common errors.

Expert Support & Partnership

Get a finance expert dedicated to your business bookkeeping services. Beyond managing your books and taxes, we help you select the right payroll provider, offer financial best practices, and more.

Built For Growing Businesses

With cash and accrual basis bookkeeping, we are built for growing businesses. We integrate with hundreds of tools like Square, Jobber, Stripe, and Gusto.

Beyond BookKeeping

We connect you with expert affiliate partnerships for your full Tax Preparation & Financial Support. We're here for your growing financial needs. Our expert partnership programs with Tax or CFO Services support everything from filing business income taxes to building investor decks.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • We can "clean" them up for a one-time flat fee! To get a no-obligation quote simply request a consultation
  • No! We provide monthly bookkeeping so all you need to do to cancel is provide 30 days notice.
  • No, we are U.S. based but distributed all over the U.S. With today's technology it isn't necessary to visit the business. Everything can be done securely and easily over the internet. This allows us to service more clients economically so we can keep costs down and yet still pay the best bookkeepers we can find very well.
  • You can call, text or email your bookkeeper during normal business hours and expect a reply within 24 hours max.
  • No. Because of the quality of services that we offer and the time we spend to give you that quality, we do not charge clients by the hour. MSG BKS will look at your books on a case-by-case basis during our initial phone consultation and you will receive a flat fee monthly quote based on that information. That fee is charged on the 1st of every month for that month’s services (ie. June bookkeeping is charge June 1st)